-- -- Copyright (C) 2018-2023, AdaCore -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception -- with Ada.Characters.Wide_Latin_1; with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Strings; with Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed; with Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; with Interfaces.C.Strings; pragma Warnings (Off); with System.OS_Interface; with System.Win32; pragma Warnings (On); with Spawn.Environments.Internal; package body Spawn.Internal.Windows is use all type Spawn.Common.Pipe_Kinds; Terminate_Code : constant Windows_API.UINT := 16#F291#; -- Arbitrary code to use as exit code for TerminateProcess call. package Read_Write_Ex is new Windows_API.Generic_Read_Write_Ex (Internal.Context); procedure Standard_Output_Callback (dwErrorCode : Windows_API.DWORD; dwNumberOfBytesTransfered : Windows_API.DWORD; lpOverlapped : access Internal.Context) with Convention => Stdcall; procedure Standard_Error_Callback (dwErrorCode : Windows_API.DWORD; dwNumberOfBytesTransfered : Windows_API.DWORD; lpOverlapped : access Internal.Context) with Convention => Stdcall; procedure Append_Escaped_String (Command_Line : in out Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Unbounded_Wide_String; Argument : UTF_8_String); -- Append the given argument to a command line such that CommandLineToArgvW -- return the argument string unchanged. Arguments in a command line should -- be separated by spaces; this subprogram doesn't add these spaces. function Internal_Terminate_Process (hWnd : Windows_API.HWND; lParam : Windows_API.LPARAM) return Windows_API.BOOL; -- Post WM_CLOSE message to the window when given window belongs to given -- process. lParam is process identifier in DWORD format. Callback : constant array (Stdout .. Stderr) of Read_Write_Ex.Callback := (Standard_Output_Callback'Access, Standard_Error_Callback'Access); Pipe_Count : Interfaces.Unsigned_32 := 0; -- Counter of pipes created by current process. It is used to construct -- unique name of the named pipe. --------------------------- -- Append_Escaped_String -- --------------------------- procedure Append_Escaped_String (Command_Line : in out Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Unbounded_Wide_String; Argument : UTF_8_String) is -- Implementation of the subprogram based on Microsoft's blog post -- "Everyone quotes command line arguments the wrong way". use Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded; Quotation_Check_Pattern : constant Wide_String := Ada.Characters.Wide_Latin_1.Space & Ada.Characters.Wide_Latin_1.Quotation & Ada.Characters.Wide_Latin_1.LF & Ada.Characters.Wide_Latin_1.HT & Ada.Characters.Wide_Latin_1.VT; S : constant Wide_String := Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Strings.Decode (Argument); J : Natural; -- Iterator N : Natural; -- Number of sequential backslashes. begin if S'Length /= 0 and then Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed.Index (S, Quotation_Check_Pattern) /= 0 then -- Don't quote unless we actually need to do so - hopefully avoid -- problems if programs won't parse quotes properly. Append (Command_Line, S); else Append (Command_Line, '"'); -- Opening double quotation mark J := S'First; while J <= S'Last loop N := 0; while J <= S'Last and then S (J) = '\' loop J := J + 1; N := N + 1; end loop; if J > S'Last then -- Escape all backslashed, but let the terminating double -- quotation mark we add below be interpreted as a -- metacharacter. Append (Command_Line, (N * 2) * '\'); elsif S (J) = '"' then -- Escape all backslashes and the following double -- quotation mark. Append (Command_Line, (N * 2 + 1) * '\'); Append (Command_Line, '"'); else -- Backslashes aren't special here. Append (Command_Line, N * '\'); Append (Command_Line, S (J)); end if; J := J + 1; end loop; Append (Command_Line, '"'); -- Closing double quotation mark end if; end Append_Escaped_String; -------------------------------- -- Internal_Terminate_Process -- -------------------------------- function Internal_Terminate_Process (hWnd : Windows_API.HWND; lParam : Windows_API.LPARAM) return Windows_API.BOOL is use type Windows_API.DWORD; Process_ID : constant Windows_API.DWORD := Windows_API.DWORD (lParam); Current_Thread_ID : Windows_API.DWORD with Unreferenced; Current_Process_ID : aliased Windows_API.DWORD := 0; Dummy : Windows_API.BOOL; begin Current_Thread_ID := Windows_API.GetWindowThreadProcessId (hWnd, Current_Process_ID'Access); if Current_Process_ID = Process_ID then Dummy := Windows_API.PostMessageW (hWnd, Windows_API.WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); end if; return System.Win32.TRUE; end Internal_Terminate_Process; ------------------- -- Do_Close_Pipe -- ------------------- procedure Do_Close_Pipe (Self : in out Process'Class; Kind : Pipe_Kinds) is use type Windows_API.HANDLE; Dummy : Spawn.Windows_API.BOOL; begin if Self.pipe (Kind).Handle = System.Win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then return; end if; if Self.pipe (Kind).Waiting_IO then Self.pipe (Kind).Close_IO := True; Dummy := Windows_API.CancelIo (Self.pipe (Kind).Handle); else Dummy := System.Win32.CloseHandle (Self.pipe (Kind).Handle); Self.pipe (Kind).Handle := System.Win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if Self.Pending_Finish and then (for all Pipe of Self.pipe => Pipe.Handle = System.Win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then Self.Pending_Finish := False; Self.Status := Not_Running; Self.Emit_Finished (Self.Exit_Status, Self.Exit_Code); end if; end if; end Do_Close_Pipe; --------------------- -- Do_Kill_Process -- --------------------- procedure Do_Kill_Process (Self : in out Process'Class) is Success : Windows_API.BOOL with Unreferenced; begin Success := Windows_API.TerminateProcess (Self.pid.hProcess, Terminate_Code); end Do_Kill_Process; ------------- -- Do_Read -- ------------- procedure Do_Read (Self : in out Process'Class; Data : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset; Kind : Pipe_Kinds; On_No_Data : access procedure) is use type Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset; Count : constant Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := Self.pipe (Kind).Last; begin if Count = 0 then Last := Data'First - 1; On_No_Data.all; elsif Count > Data'Length then Self.pipe (Kind).Last := Count - Data'Length; Last := Data'Last; Data := Self.pipe (Kind).Buffer (1 .. Data'Length); Self.pipe (Kind).Buffer (1 .. Count - Data'Length) := Self.pipe (Kind).Buffer (Data'Length + 1 .. Count); else Self.pipe (Kind).Last := 0; Last := Data'First + Count - 1; Data (Data'First .. Last) := Self.pipe (Kind).Buffer (1 .. Count); end if; end Do_Read; ---------------------- -- Do_Start_Process -- ---------------------- procedure Do_Start_Process (Self : aliased in out Process'Class; On_Start : access procedure) is function Make_Command_Line return Interfaces.C.wchar_array; function Work_Directory return String; function Is_Error (Value : Windows_API.BOOL) return Boolean; procedure Request_Read (Kind : Spawn.Common.Standard_Pipe); procedure Create_Pipe (Parent_Handle : out Windows_API.HANDLE; Child_Handle : out Windows_API.HANDLE; Inbound : Boolean; Success : in out Boolean); function Create_Pipes (Start : access Windows_API.STARTUPINFOW) return Boolean; use type Windows_API.BOOL; use type Windows_API.DWORD; use type Windows_API.HANDLE; ----------------- -- Create_Pipe -- ----------------- procedure Create_Pipe (Parent_Handle : out Windows_API.HANDLE; Child_Handle : out Windows_API.HANDLE; Inbound : Boolean; Success : in out Boolean) is use type Interfaces.Unsigned_32; procedure Ignore (Value : System.Win32.BOOL) is null; procedure Ignore (Value : System.Win32.DWORD) is null; -- Used to ignore returned value of the Windows API functions Process_Id_Image : constant String := Spawn.Windows_API.DWORD'Image (Spawn.Windows_API.GetCurrentProcessId); Mode : constant array (Boolean) of Windows_API.DWORD := (True => Windows_API.PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND, False => Windows_API.PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND); Client_Access : constant array (Boolean) of Windows_API.DWORD := (True => System.Win32.GENERIC_WRITE, False => System.Win32.GENERIC_READ + System.Win32.FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES); Inherit_Handle : aliased System.Win32.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES := (nLength => System.Win32.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES'Size / 8, pSecurityDescriptor => System.Null_Address, bInheritHandle => System.Win32.TRUE); Dont_Inherit_Handle : aliased System.Win32.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES := (nLength => System.Win32.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES'Size / 8, pSecurityDescriptor => System.Null_Address, bInheritHandle => System.Win32.FALSE); Pipe_Name : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; Attempts : Natural := 1_000; begin -- Create named pipe and server handle loop declare Pipe_Count_Image : constant String := Interfaces.Unsigned_32'Image (Pipe_Count); begin Interfaces.C.Strings.Free (Pipe_Name); Pipe_Name := Interfaces.C.Strings.New_String (Spawn.Windows_API.Pipe_Name_Prefix & "ada-" & Process_Id_Image (Process_Id_Image'First + 1 .. Process_Id_Image'Last) & '-' & Pipe_Count_Image (Pipe_Count_Image'First + 1 .. Pipe_Count_Image'Last)); -- Each named pipe is created with unique name. Pipe_Count := Pipe_Count + 1; Parent_Handle := Windows_API.CreateNamedPipeA (lpName => Pipe_Name, dwOpenMode => Mode (Inbound) + Windows_API.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, dwPipeMode => Windows_API.PIPE_TYPE_BYTE + Windows_API.PIPE_WAIT + Windows_API.PIPE_REJECT_REMOTE_CLINETS, nMaxInstances => 1, nOutBufferSize => 0, nInBufferSize => 0, nDefaultTimeOut => 0, lpSecurityAttributes => Dont_Inherit_Handle'Access); exit when Parent_Handle /= System.Win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; declare Error : constant Windows_API.DWORD := System.Win32.GetLastError; begin Attempts := Attempts - 1; if Error /= Windows_API.ERROR_PIPE_BUSY or Attempts = 0 then Self.Emit_Error_Occurred (Integer (Error)); Interfaces.C.Strings.Free (Pipe_Name); Child_Handle := System.Win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Parent_Handle := System.Win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Success := False; return; end if; end; end; end loop; -- Open named pipe to create client handle Child_Handle := Windows_API.CreateFileA (lpFileName => Pipe_Name, dwDesiredAccess => Client_Access (Inbound), dwShareMode => 0, lpSecurityAttributes => Inherit_Handle'Access, dwCreationDisposition => System.Win32.OPEN_EXISTING, dwFlagsAndAttributes => Windows_API.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, hTemplateFile => 0); if Child_Handle = System.Win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Self.Emit_Error_Occurred (Integer (System.Win32.GetLastError)); Interfaces.C.Strings.Free (Pipe_Name); Ignore (System.Win32.CloseHandle (Parent_Handle)); Child_Handle := System.Win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Parent_Handle := System.Win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Success := False; return; end if; Interfaces.C.Strings.Free (Pipe_Name); -- Wait till connection is in place declare Overlapped : aliased Windows_API.OVERLAPPED; begin Overlapped.hEvent := System.OS_Interface.CreateEvent (pEventAttributes => null, bManualReset => System.Win32.TRUE, bInitialState => System.Win32.FALSE, pName => Interfaces.C.Strings.Null_Ptr); if Windows_API.ConnectNamedPipe (Parent_Handle, Overlapped'Access) = System.Win32.FALSE then declare Error : constant Windows_API.DWORD := System.Win32.GetLastError; begin case Error is when Windows_API.ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED => null; when Windows_API.ERROR_IO_PENDING => Ignore (System.OS_Interface.WaitForSingleObject (Overlapped.hEvent, System.OS_Interface.Wait_Infinite)); when others => Self.Emit_Error_Occurred (Integer (System.Win32.GetLastError)); Ignore (System.Win32.CloseHandle (Overlapped.hEvent)); Ignore (System.Win32.CloseHandle (Parent_Handle)); Ignore (System.Win32.CloseHandle (Child_Handle)); Child_Handle := System.Win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Parent_Handle := System.Win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Success := False; return; end case; end; end if; Ignore (System.Win32.CloseHandle (Overlapped.hEvent)); end; Success := True; end Create_Pipe; ------------------ -- Create_Pipes -- ------------------ function Create_Pipes (Start : access Windows_API.STARTUPINFOW) return Boolean is Child : constant array (Spawn.Common.Standard_Pipe) of not null access Windows_API.HANDLE := (Stdin => Start.hStdInput'Access, Stdout => Start.hStdOutput'Access, Stderr => Start.hStdError'Access); Ok : Boolean := True; begin for J in Spawn.Common.Standard_Pipe loop Self.pipe (J).Process := Self'Unchecked_Access; Self.pipe (J).Kind := J; Create_Pipe (Parent_Handle => Self.pipe (J).Handle, Child_Handle => Child (J).all, Inbound => J /= Stdin, Success => Ok); exit when not Ok; end loop; return Ok; end Create_Pipes; -------------- -- If_Error -- -------------- function Is_Error (Value : Windows_API.BOOL) return Boolean is begin if Value = System.Win32.FALSE then Self.Emit_Error_Occurred (Integer (System.Win32.GetLastError)); return True; else return False; end if; end Is_Error; ----------------------- -- Make_Command_Line -- ----------------------- function Make_Command_Line return Interfaces.C.wchar_array is Result : Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Unbounded_Wide_String; begin Append_Escaped_String (Result, Self.Program); for Arg of Self.Arguments loop Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Append (Result, ' '); Append_Escaped_String (Result, Arg); end loop; return Interfaces.C.To_C (Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.To_Wide_String (Result)); end Make_Command_Line; ------------------ -- Request_Read -- ------------------ procedure Request_Read (Kind : Spawn.Common.Standard_Pipe) is begin if not Is_Error (Read_Write_Ex.ReadFileEx (hFile => Self.pipe (Kind).Handle, lpBuffer => Self.pipe (Kind).Buffer, nNumberOfBytesToRead => Self.pipe (Kind).Buffer'Length, lpOverlapped => Self.pipe (Kind)'Access, lpCompletionRoutine => Callback (Kind))) then Self.pipe (Kind).Waiting_IO := True; end if; end Request_Read; -------------------- -- Work_Directory -- -------------------- function Work_Directory return String is Directory : constant String := Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (Self.Directory); begin return (if Directory = "" then "." else Directory); end Work_Directory; Start : aliased Windows_API.STARTUPINFOW := (cb => Windows_API.STARTUPINFOW'Size / 8, dwFlags => Windows_API.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES, others => <>); Exe : constant Interfaces.C.wchar_array := Interfaces.C.To_C (Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Strings.Decode (Self.Program)); Args : Interfaces.C.wchar_array := Make_Command_Line; Env : constant Interfaces.C.wchar_array := Spawn.Environments.Internal.Raw (Self.Environment); Dir : constant Interfaces.C.wchar_array := Interfaces.C.To_C (Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Strings.Decode (Work_Directory)); begin if not Create_Pipes (Start'Access) then return; end if; if Is_Error (Windows_API.CreateProcessW (lpApplicationName => Exe, lpCommandLine => Args, lpProcessAttributes => null, lpThreadAttributes => null, bInheritHandles => System.Win32.TRUE, dwCreationFlags => Windows_API.CREATE_NO_WINDOW + Windows_API.CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, lpEnvironment => Env, lpCurrentDirectory => Dir, lpStartupInfo => Start'Access, lpProcessInformation => Self.pid'Access)) then return; end if; On_Start.all; Self.Status := Running; Self.Emit_Started; Self.Emit_Stdin_Available; Request_Read (Stdout); Request_Read (Stderr); end Do_Start_Process; -------------------------- -- Do_Terminate_Process -- -------------------------- procedure Do_Terminate_Process (Self : in out Process'Class) is Success : Windows_API.BOOL with Unreferenced; begin Success := Windows_API.EnumWindows (Internal_Terminate_Process'Access, Windows_API.LPARAM (Self.pid.dwProcessId)); Success := Windows_API.PostThreadMessageW (Self.pid.dwThreadId, Windows_API.WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); end Do_Terminate_Process; -------------- -- Do_Write -- -------------- procedure Do_Write (Self : in out Process'Class; Data : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset; On_Has_Data : access procedure) is use type Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count; Pipe : Internal.Context renames Self.pipe (Stdin); Count : constant Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := Pipe.Last; Min : constant Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset'Min (Pipe.Buffer'Length, Data'Length); begin if Count = 0 then -- Buffer isn't busy, we can write Last := Data'First + Min - 1; Pipe.Buffer (1 .. Min) := Data (Data'First .. Last); Pipe.Last := Min; if Last < Data'Last then -- Only part of the data has been buffered, request notification -- after completion of the IO operation. Pipe.Last := Pipe.Last + Spawn.Internal.Buffer_Size; end if; On_Has_Data.all; elsif Count in Internal.Stream_Element_Buffer'Range then -- Buffer is busy, mark stdin as 'send notification' Pipe.Last := Pipe.Last + Spawn.Internal.Buffer_Size; Last := Data'First - 1; else -- Buffer is busy and the 'send notification' mark has been set Last := Data'First - 1; end if; end Do_Write; ------------------- -- Error_Message -- ------------------- function Error_Message (dwErrorCode : Spawn.Windows_API.DWORD) return String is use type Spawn.Windows_API.DWORD; Len : Spawn.Windows_API.DWORD; Buf : Spawn.Windows_API.LPWSTR; begin Len := Spawn.Windows_API.FormatMessageW (dwFlags => Spawn.Windows_API.FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER + Spawn.Windows_API.FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM + Spawn.Windows_API.FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, lpSource => System.Null_Address, dwMessageId => dwErrorCode, dwLanguageId => Spawn.Windows_API.MAKELANGID (Spawn.Windows_API.LANG_NEUTRAL, Spawn.Windows_API.SUBLANG_DEFAULT), lpBuffer => Buf, nSize => 0, Arguments => System.Null_Address); if Len = 0 then return ""; end if; declare WB : Wide_String (1 .. Natural (Len)) with Address => Buf.all'Address; begin return Result : constant String := Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Strings.Encode (WB) do declare function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Spawn.Windows_API.LPWSTR, System.Address); Dummy : System.Address; begin Dummy := Spawn.Windows_API.LocalFree (To_Address (Buf)); end; end return; end; end Error_Message; ----------------- -- IO_Callback -- ----------------- procedure IO_Callback (dwErrorCode : Windows_API.DWORD; dwNumberOfBytesTransfered : Windows_API.DWORD; lpOverlapped : access Internal.Context; Kind : Spawn.Common.Standard_Pipe) is use type Windows_API.DWORD; use type Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count; Self : Process'Class renames lpOverlapped.Process.all; Last : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count := lpOverlapped.Last; Transfered : constant Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count := Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Count (dwNumberOfBytesTransfered); Completed : constant Boolean := (if Kind = Stdin then Transfered in Last | Last - Spawn.Internal.Buffer_Size else Transfered > 0); -- Should be True begin Self.pipe (Kind).Waiting_IO := False; if dwErrorCode = 0 and Completed then case Kind is when Stdin => lpOverlapped.Last := 0; if Last not in lpOverlapped.Buffer'Range then Last := Last - Spawn.Internal.Buffer_Size; Self.Emit_Stdin_Available; end if; when Stderr => lpOverlapped.Last := Transfered; Self.Emit_Stderr_Available; when Stdout => lpOverlapped.Last := Transfered; Self.Emit_Stdout_Available; end case; if Self.pipe (Kind).Close_IO then -- User's closed pipe, but dwErrorCode isn't set by CancelIo Self.pipe (Kind).Close_IO := False; Do_Close_Pipe (Self, Kind); end if; elsif dwErrorCode in 0 | Windows_API.ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED then Do_Close_Pipe (Self, Kind); else Do_Close_Pipe (Self, Kind); case Kind is when Stdin => Self.Emit_Standard_Input_Stream_Error (Error_Message (dwErrorCode)); when Stdout => Self.Emit_Standard_Output_Stream_Error (Error_Message (dwErrorCode)); when Stderr => Self.Emit_Standard_Error_Stream_Error (Error_Message (dwErrorCode)); end case; end if; end IO_Callback; --------------------- -- On_Process_Died -- --------------------- procedure On_Process_Died (Self : in out Process'Class) is use type Windows_API.BOOL; use type Windows_API.DWORD; use type Windows_API.HANDLE; Exit_Code : aliased Windows_API.DWORD := 0; begin -- Close stdio pipes for J in Self.pipe'Range loop Do_Close_Pipe (Self, J); end loop; if Windows_API.GetExitCodeProcess (Self.pid.hProcess, Exit_Code'Access) /= System.Win32.FALSE and then System.Win32.CloseHandle (Self.pid.hProcess) /= System.Win32.FALSE and then System.Win32.CloseHandle (Self.pid.hThread) /= System.Win32.FALSE then -- Process exit code can be application defined code, Win32 error -- code, HRESULT code (including Win32 code or NTSTATUS code -- converted into HRESULT), or NTSTATUS code. It is impossible to -- recognize used format exactly, thus some heuristic is used to -- detect "crash" cases, primary cases when system's HRESULT and -- NTSTATUS code reports failure. All custom error codes are -- interpreted as normal exit. -- -- Win32 error code occupy two lower bytes and all higher bits are -- set to 0. -- -- NTSTATUS upper bits are: -- | 31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | -- | Sev | C | N | -- -- HRESULT upper bits are: -- | 31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | -- | S | R | C | N | -- -- For both NTSTATUS and HRESULT 'C' is reserved for custom codes. -- All these codes interpreted as normal termination. -- -- 'N' is '0' for native NTSTATUS, but '1' when NTSTATUS is converted -- into HRESULT. -- -- 'Sev" is severity of the NTSTATUS. Only 2#11# is interpreted as -- crash. -- -- 'S" is severity of HRESULT, 2#1# means failure. Self.Exit_Status := (if Exit_Code = Windows_API.DWORD (Terminate_Code) -- Process terminated by call to TerminateProcess or else (Exit_Code and 16#F000_0000#) = 16#D000_0000# -- NTSTATUS converted into HRESULT with STATUS_SERVERITY_ERROR -- (bits 28, 30 and 31 are set to '1', and bit 29 are set to '0') or else (Exit_Code and 16#B000_0000#) = 16#8000_0000# then Crash else Normal); Self.Exit_Code := Process_Exit_Code (Exit_Code); if (for all Pipe of Self.pipe => Pipe.Handle = System.Win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then Self.Status := Not_Running; Self.Emit_Finished (Self.Exit_Status, Self.Exit_Code); else Self.Pending_Finish := True; end if; end if; end On_Process_Died; ----------------------------- -- Standard_Error_Callback -- ----------------------------- procedure Standard_Error_Callback (dwErrorCode : Windows_API.DWORD; dwNumberOfBytesTransfered : Windows_API.DWORD; lpOverlapped : access Internal.Context) is begin IO_Callback (dwErrorCode, dwNumberOfBytesTransfered, lpOverlapped, Stderr); end Standard_Error_Callback; ------------------------------ -- Standard_Output_Callback -- ------------------------------ procedure Standard_Output_Callback (dwErrorCode : Windows_API.DWORD; dwNumberOfBytesTransfered : Windows_API.DWORD; lpOverlapped : access Internal.Context) is begin IO_Callback (dwErrorCode, dwNumberOfBytesTransfered, lpOverlapped, Stdout); end Standard_Output_Callback; end Spawn.Internal.Windows;