pragma Warnings (Off); pragma Ada_95; pragma Restrictions (No_Exception_Propagation); with System; with System.Parameters; with System.Secondary_Stack; package ada_main is GNAT_Version : constant String := "GNAT Version: Community 2018 (20180524-73)" & ASCII.NUL; pragma Export (C, GNAT_Version, "__gnat_version"); Ada_Main_Program_Name : constant String := "_ada_main" & ASCII.NUL; pragma Export (C, Ada_Main_Program_Name, "__gnat_ada_main_program_name"); procedure adainit; pragma Export (C, adainit, "adainit"); procedure main; pragma Export (C, main, "main"); -- BEGIN ELABORATION ORDER -- ada%s -- interfaces%s -- system%s -- ada.exceptions%s -- ada.exceptions%b -- interfaces.nrf51%s -- system.img_int%s -- system.img_int%b -- system.img_lli%s -- system.img_lli%b -- system.parameters%s -- system.storage_elements%s -- system.storage_elements%b -- system.secondary_stack%s -- system.secondary_stack%b -- ada.tags%s -- ada.tags%b -- system.unsigned_types%s -- interfaces.nrf51.uart%s -- system.text_io%s -- system.text_io%b -- ada.text_io%s -- ada.text_io%b -- system.assertions%s -- system.assertions%b -- hal%s -- adl_config%s -- command_line%s -- command_line%b -- filesystem%s -- hal.block_drivers%s -- hal.filesystem%s -- filesystem.fat%s -- filesystem.fat.files%s -- filesystem.fat.directories%s -- filesystem.fat.directories%b -- filesystem.fat.files%b -- filesystem.fat%b -- file_io%s -- filesystem.mbr%s -- file_io%b -- filesystem.mbr%b -- command_line.filesystem%s -- command_line.filesystem.touch%s -- command_line.filesystem.touch%b -- command_line.filesystem.remove_directory%s -- command_line.filesystem.remove_directory%b -- command_line.filesystem.list_directory%s -- command_line.filesystem.list_directory%b -- -- -- command_line.filesystem%b -- main%b -- END ELABORATION ORDER end ada_main;