------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT2XML COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S T R I N G S -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2012-2017, AdaCore -- -- -- -- Gnat2xml is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- -- under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -- -- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later -- -- version. Gnat2xml is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MER- -- -- CHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General -- -- Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the -- -- GNU General Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If -- -- not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place Suite 330, -- -- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- The gnat2xml tool was derived from the Avatox sources. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Ada.Characters.Conversions; with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling; with Ada.Directories; with Ada.Wide_Characters.Handling; use Ada.Wide_Characters.Handling; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Wide_Text_IO; use Ada; package body Utils.String_Utilities is ------------ -- Append -- ------------ procedure Append (X : in out Bounded_Str; C : Character) is begin if X.Length = X.Max_Length then raise Constraint_Error with "Bounded_Str overflow"; end if; X.Length := X.Length + 1; X.Chars (X.Length) := C; end Append; procedure Append (X : in out Bounded_Str; S : String) is begin for C of S loop Append (X, C); end loop; end Append; procedure Append (X : in out Bounded_W_Str; C : W_Char) is begin if X.Length = X.Max_Length then raise Constraint_Error with "Bounded_W_Str overflow"; end if; X.Length := X.Length + 1; X.Chars (X.Length) := C; end Append; procedure Append (X : in out Bounded_W_Str; S : W_Str) is begin for C of S loop Append (X, C); end loop; end Append; ------------------- -- Char_To_Digit -- ------------------- function Char_To_Digit (C : Character) return Digit is begin pragma Assert (C in '0' .. '9'); return Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0'); end Char_To_Digit; function Char_To_Digit (C : W_Char) return Digit is begin return Char_To_Digit (Characters.Conversions.To_Character (C)); end Char_To_Digit; ----------- -- Image -- ----------- function Image (X : Integer) return String is Result : constant String := X'Img; begin case Result (1) is when ' ' => return Slide (Result (2 .. Result'Last)); when '-' => return Result; when others => raise Program_Error; end case; end Image; function Image (X : Modular) return String is Result : constant String := X'Img; begin case Result (1) is when ' ' => return Slide (Result (2 .. Result'Last)); when '-' => return Result; when others => raise Program_Error; end case; end Image; ---------------- -- Capitalize -- ---------------- procedure Capitalize (S : in out String) is begin for X in S'Range loop if X = S'First or else not (Is_Letter (S (X - 1)) or else Is_Digit (S (X - 1))) then S (X) := To_Upper (S (X)); else S (X) := To_Lower (S (X)); end if; end loop; end Capitalize; procedure Capitalize (S : in out W_Str) is begin for X in S'Range loop if X = S'First or else not (Is_Letter (S (X - 1)) or else Is_Digit (S (X - 1))) then S (X) := To_Upper (S (X)); else S (X) := To_Lower (S (X)); end if; end loop; end Capitalize; function Capitalize (S : String) return String is begin return Result : String (S'Range) do for X in S'Range loop if X = S'First or else not (Is_Letter (S (X - 1)) or else Is_Digit (S (X - 1))) then Result (X) := To_Upper (S (X)); else Result (X) := To_Lower (S (X)); end if; end loop; end return; end Capitalize; function Capitalize (S : W_Str) return W_Str is begin return Result : W_Str (S'Range) do for X in S'Range loop if X = S'First or else not (Is_Letter (S (X - 1)) or else Is_Digit (S (X - 1))) then Result (X) := To_Upper (S (X)); else Result (X) := To_Lower (S (X)); end if; end loop; end return; end Capitalize; --------------------------- -- Escape_String_Literal -- --------------------------- function Escape_String_Literal (S : String) return String is use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; Result : Unbounded_String; begin for C of S loop Append (Result, C); if C = '"' then Append (Result, C); end if; end loop; return To_String (Result); end Escape_String_Literal; ---------------- -- Has_Prefix -- ---------------- function Has_Prefix (X, Prefix : String) return Boolean is begin if X'Length >= Prefix'Length then declare Slice : constant String := To_Lower (X (X'First .. X'First + Prefix'Length - 1)); begin return Slice = To_Lower (Prefix); end; end if; return False; end Has_Prefix; function Has_Prefix (X, Prefix : W_Str) return Boolean is begin if X'Length >= Prefix'Length then declare Slice : constant W_Str := To_Lower (X (X'First .. X'First + Prefix'Length - 1)); begin return Slice = To_Lower (Prefix); end; end if; return False; end Has_Prefix; ---------------- -- Has_Suffix -- ---------------- function Has_Suffix (X, Suffix : String) return Boolean is begin if X'Length >= Suffix'Length then declare Slice : constant String := To_Lower (X (X'Last - Suffix'Length + 1 .. X'Last)); begin return Slice = To_Lower (Suffix); end; end if; return False; end Has_Suffix; function Has_Suffix (X, Suffix : W_Str) return Boolean is begin if X'Length >= Suffix'Length then declare Slice : constant W_Str := To_Lower (X (X'Last - Suffix'Length + 1 .. X'Last)); begin return Slice = To_Lower (Suffix); end; end if; return False; end Has_Suffix; ------------------ -- Strip_Prefix -- ------------------ function Strip_Prefix (X, Prefix : String) return String is begin if Has_Prefix (X, Prefix) then return X (X'First + Prefix'Length .. X'Last); end if; return X; end Strip_Prefix; function Strip_Prefix (X, Prefix : W_Str) return W_Str is begin if Has_Prefix (X, Prefix) then return X (X'First + Prefix'Length .. X'Last); end if; return X; end Strip_Prefix; ------------------ -- Strip_Suffix -- ------------------ function Strip_Suffix (X, Suffix : String) return String is begin if Has_Suffix (X, Suffix) then return X (X'First .. X'Last - Suffix'Length); end if; return X; end Strip_Suffix; function Strip_Suffix (X, Suffix : W_Str) return W_Str is begin if Has_Suffix (X, Suffix) then return X (X'First .. X'Last - Suffix'Length); end if; return X; end Strip_Suffix; ----------- -- Slide -- ----------- function Slide (X : String) return String is begin return Result : constant String (1 .. X'Length) := X; end Slide; function Slide (X : W_Str) return W_Str is begin return Result : constant W_Str (1 .. X'Length) := X; end Slide; ----------------- -- Replace_All -- ----------------- function Replace_All (S, From, To : W_Str; Replaced : out Boolean) return W_Str; function Replace_All (S : W_Str_Access; From, To : W_Str; Replaced : out Boolean) return W_Str_Access; function Replace_All (S, From, To : W_Str; Replaced : out Boolean) return W_Str is use Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded; Result : Unbounded_Wide_String; J : Positive := S'First; begin Replaced := False; while J <= S'Last loop if J + From'Length - 1 <= S'Last and then S (J .. J + From'Length - 1) = From then Replaced := True; Append (Result, To); J := J + From'Length; else Append (Result, S (J)); J := J + 1; end if; end loop; return To_Wide_String (Result); end Replace_All; function Replace_All (S : W_Str_Access; From, To : W_Str; Replaced : out Boolean) return W_Str_Access is Result : constant W_Str := Replace_All (S.all, From, To, Replaced); Temp : W_Str_Access := S; begin if Result'Length = Temp'Length then Temp.all := Result; else Free (Temp); Temp := new W_Str'(Result); end if; return Temp; end Replace_All; function Replace_All (S, From, To : W_Str) return W_Str is Ignore : Boolean; begin return Replace_All (S, From, To, Ignore); end Replace_All; function Replace_All (S : W_Str_Access; From, To : W_Str) return W_Str_Access is Ignore : Boolean; begin return Replace_All (S, From, To, Ignore); end Replace_All; function Must_Replace (S, From, To : W_Str) return W_Str is Replaced : Boolean; begin return Result : constant W_Str := Replace_All (S, From, To, Replaced) do pragma Assert (Replaced); end return; end Must_Replace; function Must_Replace (S : W_Str_Access; From, To : W_Str) return W_Str_Access is Replaced : Boolean; begin return Result : constant W_Str_Access := Replace_All (S, From, To, Replaced) do pragma Assert (Replaced); end return; end Must_Replace; -------------------- -- Replace_String -- -------------------- function Replace_String (S, From, To : String) return String is use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; Result : Unbounded_String; J : Positive := S'First; begin while J <= S'Last loop if J + From'Length - 1 <= S'Last and then S (J .. J + From'Length - 1) = From then Append (Result, To); J := J + From'Length; else Append (Result, S (J)); J := J + 1; end if; end loop; return To_String (Result); end Replace_String; ------------------- -- Strip_Article -- ------------------- function Strip_Article (S : String) return String is begin return Strip_Prefix (Strip_Prefix (S, Prefix => "A_"), Prefix => "AN_"); end Strip_Article; function Strip_Article (S : W_Str) return W_Str is begin return Strip_Prefix (Strip_Prefix (S, Prefix => "A_"), Prefix => "AN_"); end Strip_Article; ---------------------- -- Text_IO_Put_Char -- ---------------------- procedure Text_IO_Put_Char (C : Character) is begin if C = ASCII.LF then Text_IO.New_Line; else Text_IO.Put (C); end if; end Text_IO_Put_Char; --------------------------- -- Wide_Text_IO_Put_Char -- --------------------------- procedure Wide_Text_IO_Put_Char (C : Character) is begin Wide_Text_IO_Put_Char (To_Wide_Character (C)); end Wide_Text_IO_Put_Char; procedure Wide_Text_IO_Put_Char (C : W_Char) is begin if C = NL then Wide_Text_IO.New_Line; else Wide_Text_IO.Put (C); end if; end Wide_Text_IO_Put_Char; ---------------------- -- Std_Err_Put_Char -- ---------------------- procedure Std_Err_Put_Char (C : Character) is begin if C = ASCII.LF then Text_IO.New_Line (Text_IO.Standard_Error); else Text_IO.Put (Text_IO.Standard_Error, C); end if; end Std_Err_Put_Char; --------------- -- Read_File -- --------------- function Read_File (FD : File_Descriptor) return String_Access is Length : constant Natural := Natural (File_Length (FD)); This_Read : Integer; Read_Ptr : Natural := 1; Buffer : constant String_Access := new String (1 .. Length); begin loop This_Read := Read (FD, A => Buffer.all'Address, N => Length + 1 - Read_Ptr); Read_Ptr := Read_Ptr + Integer'Max (This_Read, 0); exit when This_Read <= 0 or else Read_Ptr = Length + 1; end loop; if Read_Ptr /= Length + 1 then raise Program_Error with "Read_File failed"; end if; return Buffer; end Read_File; function Read_File (File_Name : String) return String_Access is FD : constant File_Descriptor := Open_Read (File_Name, Fmode => Binary); Status : Boolean; begin if FD = Invalid_FD then raise File_Not_Found with "file not found: " & File_Name; end if; return Result : constant String_Access := Read_File (FD) do Close (FD, Status); if not Status then raise Program_Error with "read of " & File_Name & " failed"; end if; end return; end Read_File; ---------------- -- Write_File -- ---------------- procedure Write_File (FD : File_Descriptor; S : String) is Result : constant Integer := Write (FD, S'Address, S'Length); begin if Result /= S'Length then raise Program_Error with "Write_File failed"; end if; end Write_File; procedure Write_File (File_Name : String; S : String) is FD : constant File_Descriptor := Create_File (File_Name, Fmode => Binary); Status : Boolean; begin if FD = Invalid_FD then raise Program_Error with "write of " & File_Name & " failed"; end if; Write_File (FD, S); Close (FD, Status); if not Status then raise Program_Error with "write of " & File_Name & " failed"; end if; end Write_File; ----------------------- -- Parallel_Make_Dir -- ----------------------- procedure Parallel_Make_Dir (New_Directory : String; Give_Message : Boolean := False) is use Ada.Directories; begin if not Exists (New_Directory) then begin Create_Path (New_Directory); if Give_Message then Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Created directory " & New_Directory); Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" [" & Full_Name (New_Directory) & "]"); end if; exception when Ada.Directories.Use_Error => -- Ignore error; some other process probably created it. Check -- for that below. null; end; end if; if not Exists (New_Directory) or else Kind (New_Directory) /= Directory then raise Ada.Directories.Use_Error with "cannot create directory " & New_Directory; end if; end Parallel_Make_Dir; --------------- -- Move_File -- --------------- procedure Move_File (Old_Name : String; New_Name : String) is Success, Delete_Success : Boolean; begin -- There are three reasons for the following shenanigans: -- -- Rename_File is nonportable; on some systems it fails if the New_Name -- already exists. -- -- If the New_Name is a (writable) file in a non-writable directory, -- we need to copy the file; deleting or renaming the file will fail. -- -- If the New_Name is on a different disk partition than Old_Name, -- we need to copy the file. -- -- So we first try to rename. If that fails, we copy to New_Name and -- then delete Old_Name. Rename_File (Old_Name, New_Name, Success); if not Success then Copy_File (Old_Name, New_Name, Success, Mode => Overwrite); Delete_File (Old_Name, Delete_Success); if not Success then raise Move_Failure with "unable to copy " & Old_Name & " to " & New_Name; end if; if not Delete_Success then raise Move_Failure with "unable to delete " & Old_Name; end if; end if; end Move_File; -------------- -- To_Lower -- -------------- procedure To_Lower (S : in out String) is begin for X in S'Range loop S (X) := To_Lower (S (X)); end loop; end To_Lower; procedure To_Lower (S : in out W_Str) is begin for X in S'Range loop S (X) := To_Lower (S (X)); end loop; end To_Lower; --------------- -- To_String -- --------------- function To_String (X : Bounded_Str) return String is begin return X.Chars (1 .. X.Length); end To_String; function To_String (X : Bounded_W_Str) return W_Str is begin return X.Chars (1 .. X.Length); end To_String; end Utils.String_Utilities;