with System; with Ada.Wide_Characters.Handling; pragma Warnings (Off, "internal GNAT unit"); with System.String_Hash; pragma Warnings (On, "internal GNAT unit"); with Utils.Formatted_Output; with Utils.Vectors; package body Utils.Generic_Symbols is -- We don't worry about reclaiming storage here. Once a Symbol is -- created, it lasts forever, even if every reference to that Symbol -- has been deleted. That's probably not a problem, since -- people recompile more-or-less the same code over and over, -- introducing new identifiers fairly rarely. -- Trying to garbage collect this data structure would be a real pain. -- And this data structure is so simple and efficient, that we'll -- tolerate minor storage leaks. type Symbol_Rec (Length : Natural) is record Same_Hash_Link : Opt_Symbol; Same_Ignoring_Case : Opt_Symbol; -- All Symbols that are the same ignoring case have -- Same_Ignoring_Case equal to some symbol in that group; -- they all point to the same one, so we can compare -- these to do case-insensitive equality comparisons. -- One of them (presumably the first one created) will point to -- itself. Chars : aliased String_Rec (Length); end record; type Symbol_Ptr is access Symbol_Rec; type Symbol_Ptr_Array is array (Symbol range <>) of Symbol_Ptr; package Symbol_Ptr_Vectors is new Vectors (Index_Type => Symbol, Element_Type => Symbol_Ptr, Elements_Array => Symbol_Ptr_Array); use Symbol_Ptr_Vectors; All_Ptrs : Symbol_Ptr_Vectors.Vector; function Ptr (S : Symbol) return Symbol_Ptr; function Ptr (S : Symbol) return Symbol_Ptr is begin return All_Ptrs (S); end Ptr; -- Statistics: type Statistics_Rec is record Count : Natural := 0; -- number of symbols created so far Char_Count : Natural := 0; -- total number of characters in them Byte_Count : Natural := 0; -- number of bytes allocated for them Word_Count : Natural := 0; -- number of words allocated for them end record; function Hash_String is new System.String_Hash.Hash (Character, String, Hash_Type); -- Note that there are two kinds of hashing going on here. -- The Hash_String function is used in the creation of Symbols -- themselves. The Hash function is used by a child package, and -- assigns hash values simply by incrementing a global counter every -- time a Symbol is created. Lg_Hash_Table_Size : constant := 16; Hash_Table_Size : constant := 2**Lg_Hash_Table_Size; Hash_Table : array (Hash_Type range 0 .. Hash_Table_Size - 1) of Opt_Symbol := (others => No_Symbol); -- Each component is the head of a null-terminated linear chain of -- Symbol_Recs, linked through Same_Hash_Link. -- New Symbol_Recs are linked in at the head. -- The hash table is fixed power-of-2 size. -- The experts tell us to use a prime number, but I'm not sure that's -- wise; using a power of 2 makes calculation of the hash value efficient. -- I don't know of an efficient and simple way to make it growable, -- so we'll just have to make it "plenty big". pragma Atomic_Components (Hash_Table); function To_Lower_UTF8 (S : String) return String is (To_UTF8 (Ada.Wide_Characters.Handling.To_Lower (From_UTF8 (S)))); function Match_Same (Chain : Opt_Symbol; S : String) return Opt_Symbol; -- Chain points to the beginning of a hash chain (a component of -- Hash_Table). This searches down the chain for an entry equal -- to S (null if not found). function Match_Lower (Chain : Opt_Symbol; Lower : String) return Opt_Symbol; -- Same as Match_Same, except it is case insensitive. -- Lower is expected to be lower case. function Match_Same (Chain : Opt_Symbol; S : String) return Opt_Symbol is Temp : Opt_Symbol := Chain; begin while Present (Temp) and then Ptr (Temp).Chars.S /= S loop Temp := Ptr (Temp).Same_Hash_Link; end loop; return Temp; end Match_Same; function Match_Lower (Chain : Opt_Symbol; Lower : String) return Opt_Symbol is Temp : Opt_Symbol := Chain; begin while Present (Temp) and then To_Lower_UTF8 (Ptr (Temp).Chars.S) /= Lower loop Temp := Ptr (Temp).Same_Hash_Link; end loop; return Temp; end Match_Lower; protected Protector is procedure Protected_Intern (S, Lower : String; H : Hash_Type; Chain : Opt_Symbol; Result : out Symbol); -- This interns the string S in the table; called from Intern. -- Lower must be the lower-case equivalent of S. -- H is the hash value of Lower, and Chain is the value of -- Hash_Table(H). -- The result is returned in Result. -- Hash_Table(H) is updated if it was -- necessary to create a new Symbol_Rec. pragma Warnings (Off); function Get_Statistics return Statistics_Rec; pragma Warnings (On); private Stats : Statistics_Rec; end Protector; protected body Protector is -- Protected_Intern first searches the chain case sensitively -- (Match_Same), to find one equal to S. If found, return it. -- This can only happen if the caller did *not* find it, but -- some other task sneaked in and created it before we entered -- Protected_Intern. -- -- Otherwise (not found), we need to create a new one. -- Search again, case insensitively (Match_Lower). -- If found, set our Same_Ignoring_Case to that one's, -- otherwise to a new Hash_Type. -- Link it in at the start of the hash chain. procedure Protected_Intern (S, Lower : String; H : Hash_Type; Chain : Opt_Symbol; Result : out Symbol) is Try : constant Opt_Symbol := Match_Same (Chain, S); -- Check *again*, this time locked. begin if Present (Try) then Result := Try; return; end if; declare -- Here if we need to create a new Symbol_Rec. Temp : constant Opt_Symbol := Match_Lower (Chain, Lower); SIG : Symbol; New_Ptr : Symbol_Ptr; begin if Present (Temp) then SIG := Ptr (Temp).Same_Ignoring_Case; else SIG := Last_Index (All_Ptrs) + 1; end if; New_Ptr := new Symbol_Rec' (Length => S'Length, Same_Hash_Link => Chain, Same_Ignoring_Case => SIG, Chars => (Length => S'Length, S => S)); Append (All_Ptrs, New_Ptr); Result := Last_Index (All_Ptrs); Hash_Table (H) := Result; -- link it in (atomic write) pragma Assert (if Present (Temp) then Result /= New_Ptr.Same_Ignoring_Case else Result = New_Ptr.Same_Ignoring_Case); -- Gather statistics: if True then -- ??? Stats.Count := Stats.Count + 1; Stats.Char_Count := Stats.Char_Count + S'Length; Stats.Byte_Count := Stats.Byte_Count + New_Ptr.all'Size / System.Storage_Unit; Stats.Word_Count := Stats.Word_Count + (New_Ptr.all'Size + 31) / 32; end if; end; end Protected_Intern; function Get_Statistics return Statistics_Rec is begin return Stats; end Get_Statistics; end Protector; function Hash_Symbol (S : Symbol) return Hash_Type is begin return Hash_Type (Same_Ignoring_Case (S)); end Hash_Symbol; function Intern (S : String) return Symbol is Lower : constant String := To_Lower_UTF8 (S); -- case folded H : constant Hash_Type := Hash_String (Lower) mod Hash_Table'Length; Chain : constant Opt_Symbol := Hash_Table (H); -- atomic read Result : Opt_Symbol := Match_Same (Chain, S); begin if not Present (Result) then Protector.Protected_Intern (S, Lower, H, Chain, Result); end if; pragma Assert (Present (Result)); return Result; end Intern; -- Note that Intern first uses Match_Same to search for an exact -- match. If found, we are done. Otherwise, we call the -- Protected_Intern operation, which calls Match_Same *again*, this -- time under lock. This is necessary to avoid a race condition. -- The first call to Match_Same (outside the lock) is not necessary; -- it is an optimization. This works because Hash_Table has atomic -- components. -- Note that Protected_Intern takes a parameter H, indicating which -- component of Hash_Table is to be updated, as well as Chain, which -- is equal to Hash_Table(H). One might imagine that -- it would be cleaner to pass Chain as an 'in out' -- parameter, instead. However, that would cause a race condition; -- it is important that Hash_Table(H) be updated under lock -- (and note that the Symbol would be passed by copy in/out). -- Abort safety: The only variables declared outside the protected -- record are Hash_Table and Symbols_Pool. These are only -- *updated* inside the protected record, which implies abort -- deferral. function Intern (Buf : Bounded_Str) return Symbol is begin return Intern (+Buf); end Intern; function Lookup (S : String; Fold_Case : Boolean) return Opt_Symbol is Lower : constant String := To_Lower_UTF8 (S); -- case folded H : constant Hash_Type := Hash_String (Lower) mod Hash_Table'Length; Chain : constant Opt_Symbol := Hash_Table (H); -- atomic read begin if Fold_Case then return Match_Lower (Chain, Lower); else return Match_Same (Chain, S); end if; end Lookup; -- Efficiency properties: -- We presume that Equal is more common that Intern. -- Equal works in constant time, so that's good. -- The compiler should be able to eliminate the "if Fold_Case", -- because Equal is inlined, and Fold_Case is normally static -- at the call site. -- We also presume that in the steady state, the same strings will -- be Interned over and over. Therefore, we optimize Intern to -- avoid entering the protected object in the usual case where the -- same string has already been interned. Similarly, Lookup never -- modifies anything, and does not need to enter the protected -- object. -- Efficiency is not critical for the other operations. -- TBD: I would like somebody to review this trickery, -- with the Atomic_Components business, and the protected record, -- and verify that there really are no race conditions. -- And abort safety. -- TBD: Actually, we could make this abort safe without the -- protected record, as follows: -- Change Subpools to be semi-abort-safe, in the sense that an abort -- can leak one allocation, but not damage data structures. -- Make Symbols_Pool be such a Subpool. -- Eliminate the protected record, but keep the pragma -- Atomic_Components. -- Then an abort during Intern could leak one Symbol_Rec; -- the next time the same string is Interned would create another -- one. That doesn't seem like a big deal. On the other hand, -- if it really is rare (in the steady state) to call -- Protected_Intern, then we don't gain much efficiency by -- eliminating it, and we lose task safety. -- We could avoid copying the string in Intern, but that would make our -- storage management and abort-deferral problems even more onerous. -- Better to let the client (probably some lexer) allocate its own local -- buffer for the string, and have Intern copy it (if it's never been -- seen before). function Str (S : Symbol) return Access_Constant_String_Rec is begin return Ptr (S).Chars'Access; end Str; function Last_Symbol return Opt_Symbol is begin return Last_Index (All_Ptrs); end Last_Symbol; function Same_Ignoring_Case (S : Symbol) return Symbol is begin return Ptr (S).Same_Ignoring_Case; end Same_Ignoring_Case; function Case_Sensitive_Equal (S1, S2 : Symbol) return Boolean is begin return Result : constant Boolean := S1 = S2 do pragma Assert (Result = (Str (S1).S = Str (S2).S)); end return; end Case_Sensitive_Equal; function Case_Insensitive_Equal (S1, S2 : Symbol) return Boolean is begin return Result : constant Boolean := Same_Ignoring_Case (S1) = Same_Ignoring_Case (S2) do pragma Assert (Result = (To_Lower_UTF8 (Str (S1).S) = To_Lower_UTF8 (Str (S2).S))); end return; end Case_Insensitive_Equal; function Symbols_Equal (S1, S2 : Symbol; Fold_Case : Boolean) return Boolean is begin if Fold_Case then return Case_Insensitive_Equal (S1, S2); else return Case_Sensitive_Equal (S1, S2); end if; end Symbols_Equal; function "&" (S1 : Symbol; S2 : String) return Symbol is begin return Intern (Str (S1).S & S2); end "&"; function "&" (S1 : String; S2 : Symbol) return Symbol is begin return Intern (S1 & Str (S2).S); end "&"; procedure Print_Statistics is Stats : constant Statistics_Rec := Protector.Get_Statistics; use Formatted_Output; begin Put ("Symbols statistics:\n"); Put (" Symbols_Count = \1\n", Image (Stats.Count)); Put (" Symbols_Char_Count = \1\n", Image (Stats.Char_Count)); Put (" Symbols_Byte_Count = \1\n", Image (Stats.Byte_Count)); Put (" Symbols_Word_Count = \1\n", Image (Stats.Word_Count)); end Print_Statistics; end Utils.Generic_Symbols;